AmigaOS3.5 (574/967)

From:A. J.
Date:17 May 2000 at 21:51:09
Subject:Re: AsimCDFS

> To set up AsimCDFS for two drives, make a DosDriver file for the second
> one by copying the first and editing it in a text editor. For instance,
> copy CD0: to make CD1: and change the device and ID number as needed.
> Then in a Shell, type
> AsimCDFS:AsimCDFS_prefs cdrom CD1:
> and that will allow you to set up the prefs for CD1:
> After that, when you open the Prefs, both CDs will appear.
> If one of the CDs is a CD writer, it is best to NOT start it up on
> booting, but only run it when you need to read from it (rarely).

Hay Don
Thanks, I will give it a try.... But will this work with two scsi cards,
or just one card with two drives??? Will this let AsimCDFS know about
both cards and drives??
Thanks again...

The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that
the first one was useless.
-- Chamfort

Amiga 4000, 25Mhz, 26 Meg ram, 5�" floppy drive,3�" drive External, 3�"
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with 5 1Gig carts, Nec 3X CD Drive, Pioneer 4X CD Drive, 56K USR Modem.
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